Calendrier Dunany Country Club Calendar
Our schedule of events this summer is a fluid thing. So be sure to check back regularly for any updates or changes.
Tee Times are required for ALL golf games this summer
This summer you must register in advance for a tee time. You can do so online
Or call the Starter Shack (450) 562-4885 (Starters: Nicole Adams, Juliette Hay and Luke Wightman)
Operations Manager: Catherine Spaulding
JUNIOR LESSONS (Monday Mornings, starting at 8:30 am, lesson times to be assigned)):
Players indicate their availability in their TeamSnap account before 2:00 pm each Saturday, two days before Lesson Day. Lesson times will be assigned and communicated on Sunday
Alternatively, you may call the starter shack for assistance (same deadline). (450) 562-4885
JUNIOR DAY (Tuesday Mornings, starting at 8:30 am, tee times to be assigned)
Players indicate their availability in their TeamSnap account before 2:00pm each Monday, the day before Junior Day.
Alternatively, you may call the starter shack (same deadline) for assistance. (450) 562-4885
LADIES DAY (Wednesday Mornings, starting at 8:30 am, tee times and instructions will be provided)
Please indicate your availability in the Ladies sign up sheet no later than 2:00 pm each Tuesday, the day before Ladies Day.
Alternatively, you may call Barb Campbell at 450-562-6878 or email her at for assistance (same deadline).
Please click HERE to enter your RINGERS or go to the Markham Cup and Best Ball brackets
MEN'S DAY (Thursday Mornings, starting at 9:00 am, tee times to be assigned)
Please indicate your availability no later than 9:00 am each Wednesday, the day before Men’s Day. Links for each week are provided below. Alternatively, you may call Peter Wright at 450-562-5956 or email him for assistance (same deadline).
Please see the dates below for upcoming tournaments, open to all regular members with established handicaps (must have played and entered 54 holes to earn a handicap).
June 18 9:00 am (First) Thursday Men’s Golf Day
June 20 10:00 am DCC Annual General Meeting
June 23 8:30 am (First) Tuesday Junior Golf Day
June 24 8:30 (First) Wednesday Ladies Golf Day – Qualifying Round for President’s and Captain’s
June 25 9:00 am Thursday Men’s Golf Day
June 27 10:00 am Raguin-Leslie Cup (ST)
June 28 All Day - Markham Cup Qualifying Round
June 28 Deadline to sign up – Men’s Best Ball
June 30 8:30 am Tuesday Junior Golf Day
July 1 8:30 am Wednesday Ladies Golf Day
July 2 9:00 am Thursday Men’s Golf Day
July 4 10:00 am Husband and Wife tournament (ST)
July 7 8:30 am Tuesday Junior Golf Day
July 8 8:30 am Wednesday Ladies Golf Day
July 9 9:00 am Thursday Men’s Golf Day
July 14 8:30 am Tuesday Junior Golf Day
July 15 8:30 am Wednesday Ladies Golf Day
July 16 9:00 am Thursday Men’s Golf Day
July 18 1:00 pm Bronze Trophy Parent and Child 16 & over (ST)
July 19 1:00 pm The Maples, Parent and Child under 16 (ST)
July 21 8:30 am Tuesday Junior Golf Day
July 22 8:30 am Wednesday Ladies Golf Day
July 23 9:00 am Thursday Men’s Golf Day
July 28 8:30 am Tuesday Junior Golf Day
July 29 8:30 am Wednesday Ladies Golf Day
July 30 9:00 am Thursday Men’s Golf Day
August 1 Virtual Ladies Cocktail Party Watch the Quilt Video
watch the virtual quilt draw on Zoom on Aug 1 @ 5pm
August 2 1:30 pm Dan Main Shield (ST)
August 4 8:30 am Tuesday Junior Day
August 5 8:30 am Wednesday Ladies Day
August 6 8:30 am Thursday Men’s Day
August 10 & 11 8:00 am Junior Club Championship
August 12 8:30 am Wednesday Ladies Day
August 13 9:00 am Thursday Men’s Day
August 15 & 16 8:00 am Ladies Club Championship - Scoreboard Day 1 - Scoreboard Day 2
August 18 8:30 am Tuesday Junior Day
August 19 & 20 8:00 am Senior Club Championship (ST) - Scoreboard
August 22 & 23 8:00 am Men’s Club Championship (ST) - Scoreboard
August 26 8:30 am Wednesday Ladies Day
August 27 9:00 am Thursday Men’s Day
August 29 & 30 9:00 am The IMP (Ladies) (ST)​
August 29 & 30 9:00 am The Moustache Cup (Men) - Scores
two rounds of nine holes on own time (must book own tee times 9 holes each day) and declare rounds to starter prior to playing both days
September 2 8:30 am Wednesday Ladies Day
September 3 9:00 am Thursday Men’s Day
September 5 10:00 am Parkes Culross
September 6 All Day Fred McCracken Five Lakes Tournament (New Date) - book own tee time and declare your round to the starter prior to playing