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Trophies & Tournaments

Competitions are played from the opening weekend of the course in June through to the closing on Labour Day weekend.  They are awarded at a Prize Giving ceremony each year at the Club House on the Saturday of Labour Day weekend.  The background of each trophy and the multiple winners of each displayed on each one is like a history book in itself and says a lot about the community and its residents over the years. 

Here you will find a summary of the competitions, the format, description and the usual timing in the season that the tournament is played.  Most of them are just for fun – so don’t let the list intimidate you!   Sometimes the timing of tournaments are changed; please check your DCC Calendar to confirm exact dates and times. 

Unless otherwise indicated, the trophies are for “Medal Play”, based on total score obtained vs. “Match Play” which is a hole by hole Competition.  The timing of tournaments can change; please check your DCC Calendar to confirm exact dates and times


(New trophies and plaques will be acquired only after review by the Honours Committee and approval by the Board)




Men’s Trophies  


Wilson- M. D. Roy Cup
Played during the Men’s Club Championship.  Class A – 54 Holes; Gross . (3rd and 4th weekends in August)

When Bill Haldimand Sr., Chairman of the Greens’ Committee, presented plans for a Club House, he, together with Edwin Wilson and Fred McCracken, provided the necessary money to build the first Dunany Country Club House which replaced the “Chalet” above the 8th tee.  Jim Wilson, his son, a many time winner of the Club Championship at Lachute Golf Club presented the Wilson Cup in 1934 to stimulate interest among the playing members.  It has been played since 1936 with R. E. Raguin as the first winner.


Soper Trophy
Played during the Men’s Club Championship - Class B – 54 Holes; Gross Score   (3rd and 4th weekends in August)

This Trophy was presented to the Club in 1963 by Warren Soper, son of one of the early members (Fish) and who was one of the first men to give lessons to the Dunany Junior Golfers.  It has been played since 1964, with the first winner being Reg Leggatt.

Shaft Trophy
Played during the Men’s Club Championship - Class C – 27 Holes; Gross Score   (3rd and 4th weekends in August)

For many years only a small number of men competed annually for the Class C Championship.  In order to encourage greater participation, in 1970, three of the winners of this class:  Tom Havill (1971), Don Joyce (1970) and Keith Farquharson (1972), donated the Shaft Trophy for Senior Ordinary Members with a Class C Handicap.  Originally a match play tournament, the Trophy is now awarded for the low gross score on 27 holes played over 3 days.  In 1981 a new base made of cherry wood from the Cockhill property as added. 


Jeanne Jones Trophy
Played during the Men’s Club Championship - Class D – 27 Holes; Gross Score   (3rd and 4th weekends in August)

This class in the Men’s Club Championship was established in 1985 with a plaque as a trophy, the first winner being D. MacDonald.  Later Ray Jones wished to donate a trophy in memory of his mother, Jeanne Jones, an ardent golfer.  An old trophy the club had, the 1925 Club Championship Cup was refurbished and first presented in 1989 to Bill Osterman, that year’s winner.

Donald Armstrong Cup
Played during the Men’s Club Championship - Senior Men – 18 Holes; Low Gross   (3rd and 4th weekends in August)

This cup was presented to the Club by Marge, Jim, Rod and Don Armstrong in memory of their father.  The competition was initiated in 1993 and is for men 60 years of age and over.  The tournament started out as part of the Men’s Club Championship as 9 holes a day over a period of 3 days (27 holes).  Since 2006 and the Introduction of the Senior’s Championship, it is now played for in the Senior Championship for men 55 and older over 18 holes for the men’s low gross in conjunction with the Senior Ladies Club Championship Trophy for Ladies’ low gross and the Doug and Peggy Percy Trophy for overall low net.  The first winner in 1993 of the Donald Armstrong Cup was John Dougherty.


The Minty Cup
Played during the Men’s Club Championship - Men under 25 yrs. – 54 Holes; Gross Score   (3rd and 4th weekends in August)

This Cup was donated in 1989 by Jim and Diana Minty.  It is awarded to the man under 25 years of age with the lowest score in the Men’s Club Championship.  Prior to this, there was an individual trophy given by Wels Marshall which was discontinued.  Chris Cook was the first winner of the new Trophy in 1989.


Markham Cup
Men Qualifying Round; Match Play – 9 Holes; 18 Hole final round; Net ScoreQualifying Round  (3rd weekend in June)

This cup was donated in 1938 by Walter Markham.  To encourage Senior Men to participate in this tournament, he decreed that there should be a qualifying round of 9 holes to be played at the participants’ convenience throughout the first weekend after the close of the school year.  The scores were to be attested to by the playing partner.  Subsequently, those who qualified would be required to play at their convenience throughout the summer  • Match Play  • until a winner was declared.  The first winner in 1938 was Sam Tilden.


Moustache Cup
Senior Men (50 years +)18 Holes over 2 days; Net Score (3rd weekend in July)

A.R. Wright presented this china cup to the Club in 1952.  He served the Club as Club Captain, Treasurer and in 1960-62 as Club President.   The first winner was Paul Wiele in 1952


Royal Jubilee Cup
Men’s Best BallQualifying Round – Match Play – 9 Holes; 18 Hole final round; Net Score (Over the summer)

The Royal Jubilee Cup was originally a curling trophy commemorating the 25th anniversary of the reign of King George V in 1935.  It was designed, cast and inscribed by Henry Birks, jewellers of Montreal.

The curling trophy was competed for annually by teams representing Ottawa and Montreal.  Traditionally, these inter-city matches were held at the Seignory Club (later the Club Montebello) halfway between the two cities and about 50 km from Dunany.  The least winning team was the Heather Curling Club of Montreal.

When the Heather Curling Club was dissolved in the 1970’s, this trophy was given to Ross Nicholson, son of one of the original winners.  Ross and his wife, Leila, donated it to the Dunany Country Club in 1976 to be used as a golf trophy for the Mens’ Best Ball.  The following year it was won by Rod Armstrong and Don Sutherland Jr.  

Lake Louisa Trophy
Senior Men (60 years +)Two Day – 18 Hole; Gross Score 

This trophy was donated by the men of Lake Louisa as a trophy for senior men to be played for on Men’s Day rather than on the weekend.  It is played for by men over sixty years of age.  The first day everyone plays and their scores dictate whether they will be in flight A or B for the second day.  The first A Flight winner was A. J. Moore  in 1984 and the B Flight winner was J. Douherty.  The last winners were in 2009 with A Flight going to Andre Penelle and B Flight to Bill Osterman.  It has not been played for in recent years.



Ladies’ Trophies

Kit McRobie Cup
Ladies’ Club ChampionshipClass A – 36 Holes; Gross Score (2nd weekend in August)

In 1914 the avid golfers of Dunany played three holes in Stewart Boyd’s pasture.  It was in 1922 that the vision of a complete golf course began to take shape.  By 1939, watering facilities for the greens had been installed.  

In the early years of the Club, a Ladies’ Championship Cup was played for and was retained by any lady who won it three times.  Some of these three time winners were Ruth Laidley and Margaret Hamilton.

Dorothy Marshall donated the present trophy in memory of Kit McRobie, one of the original members of the DCC.  The new trophy was first won by Mary Sutherland in 1969, who has won the cup 22 times overall.  Other frequent winners have been Diana Minty and Barbara Campbell.

Havill Trophy
Ladies’ Club ChampionshipClass B – 36 Holes; Gross Score (2nd weekend in August)

This trophy was donated by Elinor Havill and was first played for in 1972 and won by Deirdre Neill.  


Fitzgerald Trophy
Ladies’ Club ChampionshipClass C – 27 Holes; Gross Score (2nd Friday in August)

Mabel Fitzgerald donated this trophy to the Ladies’ Branch in 1974.  It was first won by Julia Haldimand.

The “Class D”Ladies’
Club Championship Class D – 27 Holes; Gross Score (2nd Friday in August)

This trophy came into its own in 1981 when a ‘class D” was established at the request of Gyp Havill, then Ladies’ Captain.  That year it was won by Anne Opzoomer.  


Palmer/Gordon Club
Ladies’ Club Championship - Woman under 25 – 36 Holes; Gross Score (2nd weekend in August)

Donated by the Palmer and Gordon families in recognition of Gerry Palmer and Karen Gordon Lampl.   It is awarded to the woman under 25 years old with the lowest score in the Ladies’ Club Championship.


President’s Prize
Qualifying Round, then tiered playMatch Play – 9 Holes; Net Score (Over summer)

Originally the Ladies’ President gave a prize to the winner of this tournament.  In 1968 Dorothy Marshall donated this Silver Bowl to the Ladies’ Branch as a permanent trophy.  The first winner was Geraldine Palmer.  


Captain’s Prize
Qualifying Round, then tiered playMatch Play – 9 Holes; Net Score(Over summer)

Each year the winner of this competition received a prize donated by the Ladies’ Captain.  In 1986 the Ladies’ Branch donated a cup as a permanent trophy to replace the yearly prizes.  The first winner in 1968 was Eleanor Hammond.  

The I.M.P. Trophy
8 Holes over 2 daysMedal Play – 18 Holes; Net Score (3rd weekend in Juy)

Given to the Club by Isobel Sauberli, Myrtle Ashman and Pat Pierce in 1973, this weekend competition was created to allow the lady members who worked a chance to participate in a tournament.  Subsequently it was opened to all lady members.  The first winner in 1973 was Diana Minty.

Margaret Mussells Trophy
Ladies’ Four Ball Better BallMatch Play – 9 Holes; Net Score (Over summer)

As a young girl, Margaret mussels learned to play golf at Dunany.  Over the years she won many awards including the Ladies’ Club Championship at Dunany and at Kanawaki.  In addition she was, on several occasions, a member of the Quebec Provincial Golf Team representing the Province in the Canadian Ladies’ Golf Tournaments.  

​In her memory, the present trophy was donated to the Ladies’ Branch of the Dunany Golf Club by Peggy Percy and Margaret Campbell in 1980.   The first winners recorded were in 1978 and were Marilyn Wynn and Joan Cockhill.  


Senior Ladies’ Club Championship
Senior Ladies – 55 +; 18 holes over 2 daysMedal Play – 18 Holes; Gross Score (2nd week in August)

This trophy is for senior ladies, 55 and over and is played over two consecutive days during the week.  It is a gross competition.  The first winner in 2006 was Annabelle Wood.  This trophy was donated for a new tournament begun in 2006 by Revilla Sauve as part of a “Senior Club Championship” that includes the presentation of the Donald Armstrong Trophy for the men and the Doug and Peggy Percy Trophy for overall low net score.


Most Improved Woman Golfer
Over the season awarded to most improved handicap over the summer (All Summer)

This trophy was donated in 1988 to be awarded to the most improved woman golfer.  Initially the winner was voted on each year at the closing meeting.  However, it is now awarded to the woman with the greatest handicap improvement.  The first winner in 1988 was Caroline Roy.  


Mixed Tournaments

Doug and Peggy Percy Trophy
Senior Club Championship  - Seniors over 55  - 18 holes - Net Score

In 2006 when Revilla Sauve was the club President, she wanted Roger Laroche to be the club captain and the first French Canadian Captain at Dunany.  Roger agreed on the condition that there was a Senior Championship.  The Board approved the idea.  Unfortunately Roger got sick and was unable to take on the Captain duties, but the Senior Championship was born. This trophy is presented for the overall low net score in the Senior Club Championship.  

Parkes Culross Trophy
MixedMedal Play – 9 Holes; Net Score (Day of Prize Giving)

Initially called the Culross Cup, it was donated in 1918 and was competed for on Labour Day.   It was retired in 1943 and not played for during the war in 1944. A number of the earlier trophies were retained by the players who won them three times.   The current Parkes  Culross Trophy was donated in 1946 by Ewart Everson .  Both James S. Parkes and Charles Culross were founding members of the Dunany Country Club.

 Since 1980 the tournament has been played on the Sunday before Labour Day.  It is now played on the Saturday of Prize Giving as part of the closing.  The first winner in 1946 was Margie Mussels.

Fred McCracken Trophy
Five Lakes Mixed TournamentMedal Play – 9 Holes; Net Score (Labour Day weekend)

For many years, the Montreal Kiwanis Club held a golf tournament at Dunany Country Club.  Fred McCracken Sr. was one of the hosts and following is death in 1940, his wife, Florence, donated this trophy in his memory.  

​In subsequent years other service organizations also held tournaments in Dunany.  Ultimately it was decided to have one field day for all the service clubs and the trophy was presented to the winning club.  When this practice was suspended, the trophy lay dormant for several years (19969  • 1972).  Thanks to Hugh McCracken, it was re-established in 1973 as the Five Lakes Trophy.  

​The tournament is a welcome September event.  Any number of players  from each lake may participate, but the winners must consist of the best 4 net scores from 2 women and 2 men.    Since 1973  • Curran Lake has won the Trophy 16 times, followed by 10 times for Black Lake, 5 for Boyd Lake, 5 for Lake Louisa and 2 for Clear.


Dan Main Shield
Mixed 2-ball FoursomeMedal Play – 9 Holes; Net Score (4th weekend in July; before Cocktail party)

This Trophy was donated by Dr. Lindsay Mussells in 1966 in honour of his father-in-law  Dan Main.   The self-appointed “Laird of Dunany”, Dan Main used to announce his arrival at Clear Lake each weekend by firing a cannon.  For many years the Dunany community participated in the Main Regattas which Dan organized for the benefit of the “Little Red Church’.

Originally a ‘Match Play Tournament’ played over the summer,  it has now become a mixed two-ball foursome which is usually played on the day of the Ladies’ Cocktail Party.

​In years prior to the donation of the present shield, Dan Main presented the winners with individual cups.  Some early Cup winners were W. H. Sutherland and Dorothy Sutherland in 1935 and Dorothy and Arthur Raguin in 1937.  The first winners of the ‘new’ Shield in 1966 were Deidre Neill and Mort Morrison. 


Clarence Neill
TrophyTeam Best Ball – 3 Players per teamMedal Play – 9 Holes; Net Score (1st weekend in August)

In 1978 the Board of Directors donated this trophy in honour of Clarence Neill who had been Superintendent of the Golf Course for 40 years.  The Club also honoured Clarence by naming the 8th hole after him.  The first winners of this trophy were Joyce Robertson, Alex MacGibbon and Tim Joyce in 1978. 


Raguin Leslie Trophy
Mixed Field Day Medal Play – 9 Holes; Net Score (4rd Weekend in June)

This cup was presented to the club on the occasion of Madeleine and Cameron Leslie’s 28th wedding anniversary by their three children:  Trevor, Sharon and Ross.  It was first played for in 1981 which was Madeleine’s 50th year at Dunany and was won by Marilyn Wynn.


Grandparents’ Trophy
Grandparents Medal Play – 9 Holes; Net Score (4th Weekend in July)

Donated to the club by Dorothy and Wels Marshall to commemorate the birth of their first grandchild, Stephen, it was first played for in 1970 and was won by Mr. & Mrs. A. J. Moore. 

Turtle Trophy
Husband and WifeMedal Play – 9 Holes; Net Score (2nd weekend in July)

Coming to Dunany in 1944, Bruce Hunter and his wife Ida, later build their store on the Dunany Road.  A paraplegic, Bruce had a great sense of humour and warm feeling for members of this community and he took a great deal of pleasure in making the patrons of his store members of the “International Society of Turtles” of which he was “The Chief”.  The trophy was originally a plaque carved as a gift for Bruce Hunter.  The story of the wood used is printed on the back of the carving.  The trophy was donated to the club in 1981 by Ida Hunter in memory of her husband, Bruce.  The first winners in that  year were Diana & Jim Minty.


Bronze Trophy
Parent and Child 16 and over Qualifying Round – 18 Holes; Net Score (1st weekend in July)

This trophy was donated by Phil and Jack Moore in 1961 and was first won by Mrs. R. V. & John Leggett.


Junior Trophies 


Maple Leaf Shield
Parent and Child under 16 as of January 1 -  9 Holes; Net Score (July)

Donated by Barbara and Tony Hungerbuhler in 1980, the name was thought to be appropriate because many of the competitors end up in the maples somewhere on the course!  The first winners in 1981 were John and Michael Wynn.

Garth Fish Memorial Trophy
Juniors under 16 as of January 1 –  (Match Play throughout summer)

Garth Fish, son of James A. Fish, a founding member of the Dunany Country Club, was killed in action on July 25, 1944 while serving with the Black Watch in World War II.  In 1953, Doug Percy, his cousin, donated this trophy to the Dunany Country Club in his memory.  It was first won in 1953 by Ian McLaughlin.

Soper Shield
Juniors under 12 years as of January 1 - (Match Play throughout summer) 

The shield was awarded annually to the winner of the Bantam Class.  After a qualifying round, those who are successful must play off during the course of the summer.  The first trophy was presented to Patricia Leggett (Dundass)

Marshall Cup - Junior Club Championship - 36 Holes; Gross Score (In August)

To encourage our junior golfers, originally there was a medal play  • 18 holes  • gross score ‘Junior A’ tournament for those 16 - 20 years of age, played at the same time as the Senior Men’s Club Championship, and a "Junior B: Competition for those up to 16 years of age, 36 holes, gross score played over a period of two days.  Individual cups were given to the winner in each category.  This practice continued from 1956 to 1980.  In 1981, a permanent cup for the Junior Championship was donated by Wels Marshall for all juniors up to 16 years of age who have an earned handicap.  The tournament is played over two days.  The first winner of the new trophy in 1981 was Jeff Best.

Dorothy Sutherland Cup
Junior Club Championship - 36 Holes; Gross Score (In August)

This trophy was donated in 2002 by Dorothy Sutherland.  It was a cup previously won by her father Rene Raguin at Sumerlea Golf Club.  The aim was to encourage and recognize the lowest gross score by a girl as the Junior Club Championship had only once been won by a girl.  This was accomplished by Trudy Dundass in 1988.  The first winner of the new cup was Michelle Carter in 2002.

David Everson Memorial Trophy
(Over the summer)

Presented to the Club by the Board of Directors in 1973 in memory of David Everson, a Junior Golfer, son of Lorna and Philip Everson.  It is awarded each year to the junior golfer who has shown all around participation, improvement, enthusiasm, sportsmanship and etiquette during the season.  The first winner in 1973 was Warren Neill.

Sara Hammond Trophy
Most improved Junior Girl (Over the Summer)

This Trophy was presented to the Club in 1982 by Eleanor and Dayton Hammond in honour of their daughter, Sara, who was handicapped.  It is awarded each year to the most improved Junior Girl Golfer and was first won in 1982 by Tracey Wynn (Wightman). 


Junior Trophies & Tournaments
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