“Play the course as you find it. Play the ball where it lies”
RandA USGA GOLF CANADA Rules of Golf #1.1
Revised April 4, 2024
Local Rule #1
In all cases, including Match and Tournament play, players with one or more clear holes ahead must signal players behind to go through. Please advance to the next tee before recording scores.
Local Rule #2
A preferred lie of no more than 1 club length, no closer to the hole, is allowed on the fairway of the hole being played. The ball may be marked, lifted, cleaned and placed, or moved with the clubhead. Once a preferred lie has been taken, the ball is in play and may not be moved again.
Local Rule #3
If it is known or virtually certain that the player's ball is in the NO PLAY ZONE on the 8th hole, indicated by White stakes with Green caps, the player must take one penalty stroke and proceed to the drop zone on the other side of the hazard. Another ball must be dropped within the drop zone, located on the other side of the hazard, to the right of the bridge and indicated by a white spray painted circle.
Local Rule #4
A free drop is permitted from the drainage ditches on the cut portion of the fairway on holes #1,#3, #7, #9. The ball must be dropped within one club length of the nearest point of complete relief, not nearer the hole.
DCC Match and Handicap Committee 2021:
Tracy Wightman, Carl Demers, Wendy Castator, Trudy Adams, Nicole Adams, Rob Havill, Alan Morton, Don